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7 of Swords
Be cautious of deception and dishonesty. Evaluate the motives around you and act with integrity—if something seems off, trust your instincts and navigate carefully through potential pitfalls.
Deception, strategy, stealth, secrecy, theft, dishonesty, planning, evasiveness, self-interest, betrayal
Reversed: Revealed secrets, truth coming out, transparency, guilt, dishonesty exposed, reconciliation, confession, facing reality, clarity, making amends
Card Description
The Seven of Swords shows a figure stealthily carrying away five swords, leaving two behind. This card represents secrecy, strategy, and the potential for deception or dishonesty. It’s a time when careful planning and strategic action are required, but it also warns of the consequences of deceit and the need to be mindful of integrity.
Card Meaning
This card signifies a situation involving strategy and secrecy, where you might be dealing with deception or dishonesty. The Seven of Swords suggests that careful planning and cunning may be necessary to achieve your goals, but it also highlights the potential pitfalls of acting with stealth or deceit. It’s important to consider the ethical implications of your actions and strive for honesty and integrity. Be cautious of situations where dishonesty or betrayal could arise.
Reversed, the Seven of Swords indicates that hidden truths or deceit are coming to light. There may be a revelation of secrets or dishonesty, leading to a need for transparency and facing reality. This card suggests that it’s time to address any guilt or dishonesty and work towards reconciliation and clarity. Embrace honesty and open communication to resolve issues and move forward with integrity.
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